A thumbnail for the blog about a free zombie survival game.
by Dev Gibby and Dev Ear in

Have you been on the hunt for a free zombie survival game that will revive the genre?

Luckily, you have stumbled into the right place! Zombie Survival Game Online (ZSGO) has officially released a free demo that anybody can play on Steam.

This blog post will help you understand the features that ZSGO has to offer in its new demo. You will also learn of the updates that have been implemented from the recent patch.

Free Zombie Survival Game
1 Free Game Features
2 Latest Free Updates
3 Play for Free
4 Steam Next Fest

2023’s Free Zombie Survival Game Demo

There are many different features offered in this free zombie survival game. From simply looting around the island to in-depth crafting systems.

Whether you are a base builder or a PvP Chad, you will surely find what you need in ZSGO. Here is a brief overview of what is offered!

A radiated zombie that can make it harder to survive this zombie survival game.


Once spawning in, it is quick to see that you have nothing but a knife, flashlight, and some food.

Luckily, within close reach, there are some vendors waiting to get your attention. If you decide to talk to them, one will offer you a free pistol with some ammo.

Of course, a weapon like this is crucial if you plan to survive what these zombie-infested lands have in store for you.


Was this 1 free pistol not enough loot for you?

Well, in this free zombie game’s demo, there is plenty of loot to go around.

Once talking to the traders, be sure to start your journey deeper into the island. Looting roadblocks, small towns, and even the nuclear power plant is vital.

Just remember, some places are far more dangerous than others. Is the risk worth the reward?

A map of Demo Land, the map that you can play in the free demo for ZSGO.


Once you prove you can survive one of these destinations, you may feel like you haven’t found what you wanted. What you NEED!

This is when crafting comes into play. Hit “TAB” and pull up that crafting menu!

You can proceed to find the resources needed to craft those items. As you make your way down the list of things to craft, you will stumble upon the crafting bench.

Zombie Survival Game Online offers different types of crafting benches for different needs. In this free zombie survival game version, however, the starting crafting bench will prove to be the best for a fresh spawn.

The crafting equipment you can use in a free zombie survival game.

You will also notice some other interesting items you can craft; this includes the hammer and the building plan.

What could that be used for?


Ah yes, BUILDING of course!

Once you get this building plan, you can start chopping down some trees and get to building your own personal base! There’s no better way to survive zombies than hiding out in your sturdy base!

The inside of a tall building that is essential to surviving in the free zombie survival game.
A tall building that is essential to surviving in the free zombie game.

Just be careful, you had better put a lock on that door!

PVP & Raiding

Raiding gear for the free zombie survival game.

So, there you are, all boarded up in your new base with a few scraps you managed to collect from the nearby town.

Steps approach your base and then quiet.

Beep… Beep!

A loud explosion goes off to your left and a fellow survivor is pointing his AR at you with a not-so-friendly facial expression.

Once spawning, it is quick to see that you have nothing but a knife, flashlight, and some food.

Updates to the Free Zombie Game

The Zombie Survival Game Online team has been tirelessly working to improve your free survival experience. Finally, we are excited to share with you the latest improvements and fixes in our new free demo update!

General Fixes

Here are some much-needed fixes to our free zombie survival demo.

Password Protected Servers

Now you and your friends can navigate through the demo island without fear of others trying to take your stuff. You better keep an eye out for zombies though!

Auto-Run Key

FINALLY, no more straining your fingers. Just tap x, sit back, and relax as your character runs through the land. Unfortunately, they will still run directly into danger.

Rad Cleanser

I won’t spoil it too much, but one of the vendors in the safe zone now has the option to cleanse your radiation levels for free!

Reusable Water Bottles

If you are out there looting and come across a water bottle filled with tainted water, you can now empty that bottle out and fill it with some clean water from the safe zone.

Gameplay Enhancements


Before, when you would sprint in a diagonal direction, you would have unlimited stamina! Now stamina is a far greater factor.

Safe Zones

There is no more loot in the safe zone! We noticed many people playing this free zombie survival game would just loot where they spawn and think that was the whole demo. Nope! Now you must go out there and get your hands dirty.

Bug Fixes

A tank with a screwdriver being used to fix it.

Floating Ghost Magazines

No more annoying mags floating around in the air!

Floating magazines for gun in the survival game.

Cursor Disappearing

Yeah. You’re going to need that!

New Additions

Gamma Slider

For those that think night is too dark, don’t worry! Now you have a gamma slider in the setting to harness the power of the sun. Even when it is night.

Gamma correction added to the free survival game.

Hunger Bar

Hunger bar that is now working in the free zombie survival game.

Also, hunger has been added. Be sure to get food or survival will be short-lasting.

Kill Station

This is one of the other crafting benches! The use is in the name. If you want to kill, you must craft this bench!

New Items

Good luck finding them. No spoilers here!

Quality of Life Changes

Finally, crafting times have been adjusted. Along with vendor economy changes and more.

How to Play this Survival Game for Free

If you are looking to play a free zombie survival game and think that the ZSGO demo is right for you, be sure to click the big blue button! This will take you to the Steam page where you can then download it by pushing the gigantic green button!

Steam Next Fest for Free Games

Steam Next Fest is right around the corner!

If you want to know what’s in store, check out our last Dev blog!

Ever since I built my first PC to play custom zombie maps on 'Call of Duty: World at War,' I knew PC gaming would be a huge part of my life. My passion for zombies didn't just stop there—I grew up playing iconic games on my PlayStation 2 and 3, like 'Resident Evil 5,' 'Dead Rising,' 'The Walking Dead,' 'Fallout,' 'Bioshock,' and the 'Sly' series. However, once I switched to PC, there was no looking back; my PlayStations found their way into storage, and my heart stayed with PC gaming.

My love for survival games deepened with 'Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead’s DayZ' mod, where fate had me meet Dev Ear and Dev SuperPoggers atop the triple yellow in Cherno. A simple meetup on TeamSpeak turned into a lifelong friendship. We've traveled across states—from California to Florida—bonding over countless survival games like 'Rust Legacy' and 'WarZ.' Our adventures led us to run our own Rust servers and Minecraft communities, even tinkering with game development tools like Unity and Unreal Engine.

Our shared dreams and dedication have culminated in the creation of ZSGO, our ultimate zombie survival game. Bringing our collective expertise and creativity to the table, we're committed to crafting an unforgettable gaming experience that stands out in the survival genre.

Howdy survivors!
I'm Dev Ear and I mainly handle the gameplay loop, web development, and Discord! I have also been surviving online FPS games for 10+ years. I have probably briefly touched every survival fps game you can think of.
The current survival fps drought means that it’s time for our team to step in and create what everyone has been waiting for!
Besides game development, I like making music and every now and then touching some grass. Since release, it's been nothing but ZSGO however. Can't wait to see what the game evolves into!
See you all in ZSGO!

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