by Dev Gibby and Dev Ear in

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another development blog for ZSGO! In this blog, we’ll catch you up on everything that’s been happening. This includes our level designing progress, bug squashing, building our Kickstarter campaign, and getting ready for the big release!

Level Design Progress

We have continued the work on the immersive environments in ZSGO. We have been fine-tuning the levels we mentioned in previous blogs, including the Mall, Farm, Trailer Park, and Nuclear Waste Power Plant.

Notably, we have now commenced work on the final point of interest (POI) – a MASSIVE & sprawling urban city. This metropolis differs from CoastalCity, as it features a blend of working-class neighborhoods and heavily industrialized zones. You might spot elements of inspiration our team has drawn from other outstanding titles in the gaming world.

A short GIF of a quick flyover of the new POI.

Kickstarter: Building Our Campaign

We’re excited to announce that we’re preparing to launch a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the final stages of ZSGO’s development! In the process, our team has been working on crafting compelling rewards and stretch goals for our backers, as well as creating a captivating campaign video and page to showcase the game. Keep an eye out for more information about the campaign’s launch date and how you can support ZSGO! Here are some sneak peeks and assets from the campaign:

Bug Squashing: Level Crash!

As with any game development process, we’ve encountered our fair share of bugs along the way. Our development team has been diligently identifying and fixing these issues to ensure a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience. For example, we did encounter an issue with our grass. You may notice a slight change when you look down.

Prepping for Release

As we approach the finish line, our team has been working on finalizing various aspects of the game. This includes polishing the item database, implementing priority bits of content, and preparing marketing materials. Moreover, we’re also working on planning a closed beta test for a select group of players to help us identify any remaining issues and gather valuable feedback before the Steam release.

In Conclusion

We hope this update gives you a glimpse of the progress we’ve been making on ZSGO. Our team is dedicated to creating an immersive and exciting zombie survival experience for our players. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to work towards the game’s release. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for our upcoming Kickstarter campaign!

Thank you for your continued support, and we can’t wait for you to dive into the world of ZSGO!

Ever since I built my first PC to play custom zombie maps on 'Call of Duty: World at War,' I knew PC gaming would be a huge part of my life. My passion for zombies didn't just stop there—I grew up playing iconic games on my PlayStation 2 and 3, like 'Resident Evil 5,' 'Dead Rising,' 'The Walking Dead,' 'Fallout,' 'Bioshock,' and the 'Sly' series. However, once I switched to PC, there was no looking back; my PlayStations found their way into storage, and my heart stayed with PC gaming.

My love for survival games deepened with 'Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead’s DayZ' mod, where fate had me meet Dev Ear and Dev SuperPoggers atop the triple yellow in Cherno. A simple meetup on TeamSpeak turned into a lifelong friendship. We've traveled across states—from California to Florida—bonding over countless survival games like 'Rust Legacy' and 'WarZ.' Our adventures led us to run our own Rust servers and Minecraft communities, even tinkering with game development tools like Unity and Unreal Engine.

Our shared dreams and dedication have culminated in the creation of ZSGO, our ultimate zombie survival game. Bringing our collective expertise and creativity to the table, we're committed to crafting an unforgettable gaming experience that stands out in the survival genre.

Howdy survivors!
I'm Dev Ear and I mainly handle the gameplay loop, web development, and Discord! I have also been surviving online FPS games for 10+ years. I have probably briefly touched every survival fps game you can think of.
The current survival fps drought means that it’s time for our team to step in and create what everyone has been waiting for!
Besides game development, I like making music and every now and then touching some grass. Since release, it's been nothing but ZSGO however. Can't wait to see what the game evolves into!
See you all in ZSGO!

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 by Erik in May 8, 2023

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